SolidLeisure Solution Inc.
Senior Frontend DeveloperDecember 2023 - Present
- Responsible for maintaining multiple existing projects; bug tracing, enhancements, and developing new features.
- Responsible for refactoring and cleaning up of codes.
- Assisting and enhancing team's coding knowledge and standards.
- Lead developer of company's revamp website. Responsible for creating CMS and HCM system, database and code architecture.
HTML5CSS3SCSSTailwindCSSJavascriptVue2 - Option APIVue3 - Composition APIVueRouterVuexTenstack QueryTypescriptPiniaSupabasePostgresQLGraphQLSSRSPAGit - Version ControlAPI IntegrationJiraConfluenceGitlab
Career Break
Self LearningJune 2022 - June 2023
Startup - Food Discovery Platform
Full-Stack Software Engineer / Co-FounderFebruary 2022 - April 2022
- Market Research (Competitor's Benchmarking, Monetization Strategy, Target Audience, Roadmaps)
- My wife, a marketing researcher, and I started this project together. We identified a gap in the Philippine market after Zomato exited: a lack of reliable and up-to-date food discovery platforms. However, due to recent life events, this project is currently on hold.
Startup - Algorand NFT Marketplace
Full-Stack Software Engineer / Co-FounderOctober 2021 - November 2021
- Market Research (Competitor's Benchmarking, Monetization Strategy, Target Audience, Roadmaps), Technical/Product Specification, UI Designing / Mockups, Front and Backend Development
- Given the team's increased workload with their full-time jobs and the significant shifts in the NFT market landscape, we've decided to discontinue the development of this project for now.
FigmaTailwind CSSPythonReactJSPyTealNextJSTailwindCSSGit - Version Control
Suki Reward App
Web DeveloperApril 2021 - July 2021
- Responsible for converting Figma design to working website
- Created admin frontend
- Assisted on database architecture
HTML5CSS3JavascriptVueLaravelTailwindCSSInertiaRestful APIsMySQLModel-View-Controller (MVC)Git - Version Control
Web DeveloperJuly 2020 - July 2021
- Maintained E-Learning and Content Management System (CMS) projects
- Refactored code, bug tracing, testing, UI enhancements
- Followed software development life cycle (SDLC).
HTML5CSS3JavascriptVueLaravelGoLangAngularJSVanilla PHPSassMySQLRestful APIsModel-View-Controller (MVC)Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)Git - Version Control
Freelance - Thriving-in-between
Web DeveloperFeb 2020 - June 2020
- Created content management system (CMS) like UI
HTML5CSS3SassLaravelJavascriptVueVuexVue-RouterMySQLVuetifyGit - Version ControlRestful APIsModel-View-Controller (MVC)Single-Page Application - SPA
Senior Web DeveloperJuly 2019 - Feb 2020
Junior Web DeveloperMarch 2018 - June 2019
- Followed Agile software development methodology
- Worked closely with UX/UI, QA, BA, PM in analyzing project requirements and enhancements
- Developed and maintained internal company projects like Game Curation Platform, Wedding Supplier Portal, CMS, Data Gathering / crawler, Video Editing Platform
- Performed bug tracing, Testing
- Conducted code reviews
- Mentored junior developers
HTML5CSS3SassLaravelJavascriptVueVuexVue-RouterMySQLRedisRestful APIsModel-View-Controller (MVC)Git - Version ControlAgile
Associate Application DevelopmentMay 2016 - Oct 2017
- Certified workday consultant with experience in HCM configuration
- Analyzed and provided feedback to client's configuration requirements
- Created and reviewed deployment documentation
- Responsible for system production deployment
- Did regression testing, test scripts, test scenarios
- Performed bug tracing and fixes
ScrumWorkday Platform
Web DeveloperOct 2015 - Jan 2016
- Developed inventory and POS System for Poultry Farm
- Updated UI, managed database, refactored code
Junior Web DeveloperJune 2015 - Sep 2015
- Assisted on the development of an internal employee hub system.
- Converted PSD designs to web
- Updated client website design